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      Short Term Rental Is More And More Popular

      To cope with the crisis in this sector, Italians have adapted, and more and more are choosing different solutions for holidays or living in the city, for study or for short-term work. 

      Residents of this beautiful country are turning to the Internet with increasing confidence. You can also get information about short term rental management fees via

      Best Short-Term Rental Property Management Services

      Image Source: Google

      This new choice trend for Italians is supported by a sharp drop in rental prices compared to last year and a wide range of options.

      Accommodation is offered for a more or less short period of time in any Italian city, in studios or larger properties, lofts, or even selected luxury residences that will allow you to better enjoy your stay in the city.

      The most popular forms of housing are apartments not far from the city center and measuring at least 90 square meters. Preferably with an outdoor area that can be used when the weather is nice. 

      The average length of stay is three weeks, but those in the city on business may even stay in the apartment for several months or more.

      Apartments are usually furnished with all the comforts, furnished with taste and refinement, with a more comfortable space and certainly more privacy than hotel accommodations.

      Short-term rentals are a hit with the modern traveler. Expensive hotels force people to look for alternatives that are cheaper but still luxurious and elegant like hotel apartments.

      Most people are not aware of the hidden elements of vacation rentals. Even if you do manage to find a good spot, you will still need to consider a few key elements before making your decision.