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      Benefits Of Holistic Cosmetic Dentistry

      Cosmetic dentistry seeks to enhance and improve the smile of patients. Restorative dentistry, on other hand, aims to heal and correct diseases or health problems inside the mouth.

      The majority of patients assume that complete dental care simply entails veneers or tooth whitening, as well as Inlays and Onlays. While holistic dentistry is a way to protect your general health by avoiding the use of ultraviolet lights, metals, and potentially dangerous chemicals like fluoride.

      Image Source: Google

      The most commonly used cosmetic dental procedures available within a dental practice comprise:

      • Whitening of teeth (bleaching)

      • Invisalign (invisible braces)

      • Porcelain veneers

      Holistic dentistry and holistic medicine, have become trendy buzzwords. Although some patients regard them as just fads for the sake of it, but they provide better treatment and long-term health advantages.

      When you think about beautifying your smile, chances are you aren't thinking about how harmful common cosmetic dental procedures can be. They're often laced with hazardous chemicals that can cause discomfort and permanent harm to your mouth and general health. 

      In contrast to traditional cosmetic dentistry, holistic dentistry uses as few artificial, manufactured substances as possible in order to protect the patient's oral and overall general health.

      Based on holistic dental experts these substances and chemicals do more harm over the long term to the body of the patient than the short-term benefits.