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      Find The Right Antibody

      Finding the right antibody among the thousands that are available from hundreds of commercial sources is just the first challenge. Reagent qualification, method validation and achieving consistent, reproducible results are all critical to success, whether you are working in discovery research or developing assays for clinical or diagnostic use.

      Say goodbye to traditional methods

      Turning to traditional methods of antibody generation that rely on the immunization of animals is a common approach. But you could wait many months to discover that none of the clones meet your needs. Noqwdasy, there are many companies available that provide antibody products online.

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      Your antigen may not induce a strong immune response in the animal, or worse still, it may be toxic. Furthermore, many organizations now actively seek to use technologies and reagents that replace, or reduce the use of animals for scientific purposes.

      Achieve more

      Having a custom recombinant antibody takes away the pain of sourcing and testing multiple commercial products, or waiting for custom hybridoma generation. It eliminates the risk of having to revalidate methods due to product deletion or loss of a hybridoma.

      The batch-to-batch consistency of recombinant production increases the likelihood of achieving reproducible results over the course of your project. Having an antibody tailored to your unique requirements may even allow you to carry out research that was previously impossible.