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      Get A Dazzling Smile With Porcelain Veneers In Virginia

      Porcelain veneers, also known as dental veneers, are porcelain laminates that are as thin as contact lenses. They are chemically bonded to the teeth to improve their shape by aligning and straightening them.

      They also enhance the color of the teeth. Veneers are usually designed to cover the front of the teeth, improving their overall appearance. Shells change the shape, color, length, and size of the teeth. They are made of porcelain as it is stain resistant compared to resin. The material also mimics the light-reflective properties of real teeth. Therefore it is better to choose veneers offered at Kings Park Dental Center.

      There are several different circumstances in which your doctor may recommend using porcelain veneers. They can help remove discolored teeth from stains with tetracycline and other medications, treat root canals and overexposure to fluoride, and other causes.

      Veneers also repair worn teeth, chipped and broken teeth, crooked, uneven, and deformed teeth. Cracks in the teeth can also be closed with the help of veneers.

      Advantages of porcelain veneer:

      1.    You straighten your teeth easily and quickly.

      2.    They give you an instant white smile because they reflect light like real teeth. With veneers, you can enjoy permanent white teeth.

      3.    With veneers, you don't have to wait two years or more with braces to get even teeth.

      4.    Even though old teeth cannot grow back naturally, you can easily and effectively replace missing teeth with ceramic veneers.