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      How to Extend the Life of Your Gutter Guard

      If you're like most homeowners, you probably don't give your gutter guard a second thought. After all, it's just a piece of plastic or metal that sits on the side of your house – right? Wrong.

      A damaged or aging gutter guard can actually do more damage than good, not to mention making it difficult (and expensive) to fix problems down the road. Here's how to extend the life of your gutter guard:

      1. Inspect it regularly – If you're like most homeowners, you probably don't give your gutter guard a second thought. You can also buy any kind of gutter guards at

      A damaged or aging gutter guard can actually do more damage than good, not to mention making it difficult (and expensive) to fix problems down the road. Make sure to inspect it regularly for signs of wear and tear and take appropriate action if necessary.

      2. Clean it regularly – Just like any other part of your home, your gutter guard needs to be kept clean and free from debris. This will help prevent damage from occurring in the first place and will also make it easier to maintain over time. The easiest way to do this is to have a gutter cleaning company come out regularly to clean your guard.

      The best part about hiring a professional is that they will also be able to inspect it for problems and determine the best course of action for getting rid of them.