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      Know About Easy Custom Shirts

      Custom shirts are a great craft project. They also make great gifts for almost any occasion. To get started, you will only need a few supplies. Before getting supplies, you need to determine what type of shirt you want to make.

      An easy way to create a unique t-shirt is with puffy paint. Puffy paint comes in a small bottle and you can use it as a writing tool, or you can draw designs with them. You can also open the bottle and use a brush if you want. You can know about different types of t shirt design from various online sources.

      Another shirt that is easy to make is tie-dye. You will just need to get some rubber bands and some dyes. This shirt is better for children who are older or children with a lot of supervision. You can make a simple they just use one color or if you are feeling brave, use two or three.

      The trick is the right dipping- you want to make sure that you do the lighter colors first so as not to overtake the dark color of your design.

      Once you have decided on the type of shirt you want (and there are many others), you will need to find Blank T-shirt. You can find them at local craft stores or you can search online. If you do a craft project group, you might find a better deal online in larger quantities.

      You will also need to obtain the necessary supplies for the type of shirt you plan to make. This can include paints, dyes, markers, brushes, etc. You will also want to make sure you have plenty of help lined up if you do a group project. Small children tend to get bored while waiting and might lose interest.