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      Points To Consider When Buying The Best Dishwasher

      Dishwashers have many benefits, they help clean the dishes quickly and they use less water for the same. Apart from these benefits, dishwashers are convenient, efficient, and user-friendly. They help you keep up with your fast-paced lifestyle by offering you clean dishes for enjoying meals without putting in any effort. But, before you decide on which dishwasher to buy, you should consider a few things such as the size, energy rating, water ratings, features, and functions. Or, you can cut to the chase and go through reviews of best dishwashers by consumer reports to make a wise decision.


      Dishwashers are available in two different sizes, one that is 60cm wide and another that is 45cm wide. Where the former one is suitable for large families or office, the latter is more suited for compact families. The 60cm wide dishwasher has more than 12 place settings, whereas the 45cm has 8 or 9 place settings.

      Energy Ratings

      These ratings determine the energy efficiency of the dishwasher. The more stars a dishwasher has, the less energy it will consume.

      Water Wise

      Many dishwashers offer water-saving options, plus they also constitute anti-flood systems to ensure the safety of your household. On average, a dishwasher consumes 4 times less water compared to hand washing. So, you can enjoy a significant amount of savings by using a dishwasher.