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Create A Better Future

      Can Chat Bots Help Improve Customer Support?

      A website chatbot mini-computer is a software program intended to execute an online chat communication via text or voice-to-voice, instead of giving direct human interaction through speech. This has made chatbot technology more popular in recent years. Now, you can make use of a chat bot to interact with other users, obtain information from a discussion, send messages and […]

      How to Create a Chatbot for Your Business

      A website chatbot is an automated program that can be programmed to answer questions and perform customer service tasks. These programs can collect registration data, give product information, and even answer frequently asked questions. This type of conversational AI is great for businesses because it helps simplify the payment and online shopping process. It can […]

      How Does Messenger Chatbot Work?

      Facebook opened the doors to create Facebook ChatBots in November of last year. Today there are over 400K Facebook ChatBots around the world, aiding businesses to get more leads, close sales, hire new team members, and save money in automation. So far, Messenger chatbots have a great impact on the bottom line and in the […]

      How to Use Facebook ChatBots?

      Messenger Bot is a tool that automates conversations with friends. This tool can be very useful if you use Facebook frequently. It has the capability to send instant messages to all your friends. With the help of this tool, you can also create a group and have conversations between all your friends. If you are […]

      Building Facebook Messenger Bots

      Facebook Chatbots continues to increase in popularity as time goes on. A Facebook Messenger Bot is a conversational bot that integrates seamlessly into the Messenger application and allows users to communicate directly with each other as it may relate to their queries, returns, order book, FAQ, etc. Since the bots are based on chat rooms […]

      How to Get Started Building Your Own Messenger Bot?

      With so many online chat programs and chatbots to choose from, why do marketers use the most popular chat program on the internet, called website chatbot? The fact is that Messenger Bot is the only one that has full integration with the rest of Google services. Read this article to learn how to get started […]

      How to Use the Facebook Messenger Bot to Increase Your Business?

      If you are an entrepreneur and you want to promote your business and increase traffic to your website, you can actually promote your business using a Messenger Bot. When it comes to the internet, the competition is getting higher, and you have to use all your tricks to get your website higher. It is quite […]

      How to Develop Your Own Facebook Messenger Bot?

      To run your own chatbot, all you need is the Facebook application that handles Facebook Messenger. The Bot can be written in PHP or in ASP, both languages support Facebook SDK. The Facebook API is a web service that will allow the Messenger chat bot to interact with the Facebook platform. The server of the […]

      How to Use Facebook Chat Bot?

      Although Facebook chatbot was not a huge hit when it was first introduced, it has become increasingly popular with the user base of Facebook. When you are using Facebook ChatBot, you are able to converse with your friends or colleagues across the world, all through your Facebook account. It is a good thing for those […]

      What Is a Messenger Chat Bot?

      A Messenger Chatbot is a chat assistant that uses conversational speech recognition technology to control a number of built-in features. There are many of these kinds of systems available, and this can be confusing. It's important to consider some key points, as it can make the difference between a bot that seems interesting and a […]