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      The Hidden Health Risk Of Drinking PFOA-Polluted Water

      PFOA, an industrial chemical used in the production of non-stick pans, is discovered to have unsafe effects on human health. The EPA has not yet issued a ban on the chemical and scientists are still trying to figure out what exactly PFOA does to our bodily systems. You may check out this site, to find out how the water around us can be polluted by PFOA. 

      Image Source: Google

      What is PFOA?

      PFOS and PFOA are two of the most commonly used chemicals in the world. They are often found in water, air, and soil. PFOA was first discovered in the 1970s and has been used in many products ever since. It is especially common in industrial compounds and has been linked to health problems like cancer, liver damage, and reproductive problems.

      How does PFOA get into the water supply?

      • The chemical PFOA, or perfluorooctanoic acid, has been linked to health problems in humans and wildlife. 
      • It can get into the water supply from industrial sites that use it, including military bases and factories. 
      • It can also enter the water supply through contact with oil and gas drilling operations, which release the chemical into the environment.

      What is being done to address contaminated water?

      • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been working with manufacturers to eliminate PFOA from products that were made before the chemical was known to contaminate water supplies. 
      • Another group working on this issue is the National Toxicology Program (NTP). They are studying whether exposure to PFOA causes cancer and other health effects in humans.
      • The American Chemistry Council (ACC) is also doing its part by funding research into ways to solve the problem of water contamination with PFOA. 


      There are many ways that we can reduce our exposure to PFOA, including avoiding products made with this chemical and drinking filtered or bottled water instead whenever possible.