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      The Types of Veneers

      If you are considering dental veneers, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are the three most common types of veneers:

      1. Partial dentures – If you have lost teeth due to disease or accidents, partial dentures can provide a comfortable and attractive solution. Partial dentures are made up of several parts, including a base, an upper denture, and a bridge. The bridge is a thin piece of plastic or metal that connects the two dentures and supports your teeth.

      2. Dental crowns – Crowns are similar to partial dentures, but they are completely fabricated from dental materials and can be Custom-made to fit your own teeth. . Crowns provide an even more stable solution than partial dentures and often look more natural than full dentures. Crowns can also be used to cover up decayed or missing teeth.

      Image Source: Google

      3. Dental veneers – Dental veneers are thin sheets of tooth-colored plastic that are placed over your natural teeth. They provide an appearance that is more consistent with your natural teeth than any other type of restoration.

      How Long Does a Veneer Take?

      If you are considering dental veneers, you may be wondering how long the process will take. Dental veneers are a type of cosmetic dentistry that can make a big difference in the appearance of your smile. But unlike other types of dentistry, veneers are not permanent and can be removed if you decide that you no longer want them. 

      A dental veneer is a thin, custom-made cover for your teeth. It can take anywhere from one to four hours to apply, depending on the complexity of the veneer and your individual dental needs. The veneer is applied to your teeth using a special adhesive and a series of small, precise cuts.