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      Understand the Mole Removal Procedures

      Moles are a congenital growth on the human skin. While some people do not have, others can have quite a few. Sometimes moles can be annoying because of its appearance. This is the main reason why many people want their mole to be removed. If you are one of those who want to remove their mole, you must know first how you will remove your mole. You can remove it in a natural way or with surgery. You can learn about skin mole removal at

      Below is a procedure for removing your moles naturally:

      Get apple cider vinegar, cotton ball, and band help. Soak the cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it to a mole by attaching it to the mole using the band-aid. You can do this every night or every 12 hours. Just change the cotton ball, so it will be clean and fresh.

      Another way you remove your moles naturally is to use duct tape. Clean the entire surface of your mole by to wash it with water and soap. Get duct tape and cut into a larger size so the mole area is borne. Make sure the size is enough to cover your entire mole.  Rely to your mole and leave for five to six days without wet. After five or six days, remove the duct tape carefully. Mole will be peeled off with duct tape. If this procedure does not function first, do the whole process again.