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      Understanding What Is Postnatal Care?

      Postpartum care is an individual treatment tailored to the needs of the mother and her baby after childbirth. Although the postnatal phase is straightforward for most women and babies, care during this phase must take into account any changes in postpartum recovery that are expected.

      For most women, babies, and families, the postpartum period ends 6-8 weeks after giving birth. However, some women and babies need to have extended postnatal care for mother to meet their needs.

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      This is especially important when a woman or baby has experienced complications and is still prone to unwanted outcomes. This can include women who have poor support networks, develop infections after childbirth, or other health problems that continue to affect their daily lives or women who are at risk for mental health or attachment problems.

      Quality standards for postnatal care stipulate that services should be outsourced and coordinated by all relevant agencies covering the postnatal component of the delivery route.

      An integrated approach to service delivery is essential to provide quality care to women, babies, couples, and other family members. Many complications can occur in the first 24 hours.

      Following childbirth at home, the mother and baby must receive a postnatal examination as early as possible, preferably within 24 hours of birth. If the birth was at a facility, the mother and baby should receive a postnatal examination before discharge.