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Create A Better Future

      Ways to Manage the Multi-Generational Workforce

      The growing need for leaders and organizations is to effectively unite a workforce of different generations, consisting of four generations: traditionalists, Generation X, boomers, and Generation Y or millennials. 


      Each group has its own characteristics of learning, communication, and work, which can often lead to intergenerational conflict. To manage the multi-generations in your workplace, you can click over here.

      Image Source: Google

      Managers and employees alike need to learn to recognize and understand the different expectations and characteristics between these different groups in order to manage and coexist effectively. 


      Here are some tips to manage different generations for a more efficient work of the team:


      Recognizing differences, it is important for managers to recognize, understand and accept differences. The manager is a leader and he must start from there so that employees are better at accepting differences. According to the example.


      Get the group together and ask them to write down their thoughts and prejudices about the others; It is used to identify any stereotypes that may exist and to encourage communication about differences, leading to disbandment and relationship building.


      Hold weekly team meetings to discuss work processes, solve problems, and build cross-generational relationships. Hold a meeting for breakfast or lunch; Create a calm and encouraging environment for developing relationships.